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Social Media

Coming Soon

Our Place After School Care social media post for Hastings Give Day 2022 in anticipation. The post has a megaphone with a speech bubble, and the text inside reads, "Stay Tuned Coming Soon 05.05.2022"

OPASC 04_18_2022.png

Donations as of

Social media post for Giving Tuesday, letting people know how many had donated so far. The text reads, " 44 people have donated as of 9:00 today. Thank you for your support of the expansion of our program by creating a store that is stocked and staffed with teens and community volunteers.

OPASC (GHD-17) 5_5_2022.jpg

5 Year Strategic Plan

A social media post for the five-year strategic plan was placed as part of the hourly posting for Give Hastings Day and Giving Tuesday. The post below features five different shapes inside representing the various years, which is explained in the text: Year 1: Find a location for storefront and transportation. Year 2: Community partnerships. Year 3: Foundation development. Year 4: Advocate for the inclusion of the ages 13-20 in the DHHS funding for after-school and summer care. Year 5: Expand the program to include younger children.

OPASC (GHD-16) 5_5_2022.jpg

Conference Interest

Social media posts for ESU SCALA garnered a level of interest in what conferences people were interested in attending during the 2023-2024 school year. The text on the post reads, "Conference Interest, SCALA Conference Interest Form; we want to know what conferences you are interested in going to this year!"

SCALA Conference Intrest.png

SCALA Election

Social media posts for the SCALA election on April 21, 2024, in the lead-up to the event. The post shows text with two people holding posters up with text that reads, "SCALA Election, join us 04.21.2024 @ 4 pm, Your Vote, Your Voice."

SCALA pre-elections.png

SCALA Global Experiences

A social media post for ESU SCALA in the lead-up to the Global Experiences Q&A video posting. Text reads, "SCALA Global Experiences Q&A with Dr. Andrew Smith & Alumni Student Panel"

SCALA Global Experiences.png
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